🎉 The Grand Opening of my Pickleberrypop Store is here! 🎉
The soft launch was just a sneak peek, and now the real party begins at my Pickleberrypop store! Get ready for a spectacular sale and an array of stunning new products that will spark your creativity. Plus, with any purchase of $10 or more, you’ll be treated to an exclusive template pack – absolutely FREE!

On top of tons of older, well-loved products, I’ve added a fabulous new bundle to my PBP store in honor of the grand opening sale.
To say that the past year or so (heck, the past 3 years, if we’re being honest) have been an emotional rollercoaster would be putting things mildly. One lesson I’ve learned, and truly taken to heart, though, is how important it is sometimes to just stop. To take a break, to rest, to let the rest of the world fall away and just focus on me.
I can’t be the support and strength for anyone, if I can’t be that for myself first.

Step into a world of self-reflection with Focus On Me, a digital scrapbooking kit designed to celebrate the importance of taking a break and focusing on self-promotion. This collection is an ode to the moments we choose to turn inward, embracing solitude and the pursuit of personal peace.

Plus, Chere and I teamed up for another Digi Duo that’s sure to spark your scrapping interest!
My father’s birthday is next week, and the 1st anniversary of his passing is speeding toward me at lightning speed.  Add all of the emotions I’ve been feeling together, and this collection was hard…but needed.

Sometimes simple is best. My Dad says it all. Filled to the brim with special things that remind us of the man that fills so many shoes, you’ll find dozens of hand drawn elements and awesome patterns that make scrapping about the man in your life a breeze.
Includes 20 patterns, 10 solid cardstock papers, 90 elements, 6 graffiti scatters, 36 ombre papers, 20 wash tapes, 45 word bits, 12 bottle caps, 12 blended papers, and 6 painted borders all saved as individual files.

Please note: the My Dad collection is uploaded to Chere’s store at PBP, so won’t count towards my Free with $10 purchase deal. HOWEVER, Chere is having her own grand opening sale right now, and has her own FWP deal…so it’s still the PERFECT time to pick up this fabulous new collection!

Check out just a few of the gorgeous layouts created by my incredibly talented creative team gals:

Spend $10 in my PBP store between now and June 4th, and you’ll earn a FREE template pack, as a way to say Thanks!

Need proof of how adorable layouts created these templates can be? Just check out this adorable layout I created of my sweet, sweet Trooper.
Couldn’t you just squeeze adorable sleeping self <3

And, enjoy this gorgeous quickpage freebie, created using the Focus On Me Collection (and Fresh Start Templates!)
Click Here To Download