Ready for another opportunity to win free money to my store? Let’s get started!
I dare you is an easy way to try and win $5 to my store each week. But, this challenge, we’re going to mix it up just a little bit. I’m sharing the rules, and a preview of the freebie for this week’s challenge below. But, if you want to download the freebie and participate? You’ll need to join me in my Facebook Fan Group!
The rules are simple:
- I will provide you with an exclusive freebie.
- You download that freebie and use it to create a new layout.
- Upload that layout to my GingerScraps’ Designer Gallery and then LINK IT IN THE COMMENTS OF THE FACEBOOK FAN GROUP POST by Tuesday, March 1st
- One layout will be randomly selected using – the person who created that layout will win $5 to my store.
Easy peasy, right?! Then let’s get to the fun part – the freebie!!! This week’s freebie should hopefully be easy enough to work with. Use the free template with one of my products, or a product from any of your favorite designers. Just be sure to link the layout in the fan group post comments when you’re done!
Join the Facebook Fan Group to Download the Freebie!
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