Happy start to the GingerScraps iNSD Celebrations! GingerScraps will be hosting week long events in honor of iNSD and the entire store is 50% off! Plus, tons of new goodies, grab bags and specials — you don’t want to miss out on all the fabulousness!

To help celebrate iNSD, I’ve packed my store with some great new releases, and paid homage to some older goodies by packing up some older template freebies and loading a personal favorite collection back into my store (It was in the store previously as a grab bag, but deserved to be seen again!) I’ve got LOTS to show you, so let’s get to the good stuff!

You’ve Got The Book Collection Bundle
by Blue Heart Scraps
Are you a reader? Document you favorite stories. Your children’s bedtime tales. A book you liked in school. Or what you love about paper vs electronic – or vice versus! Do you read in bed before sleeping? Are you unable to read when traveling? Is there a favorite chair you snuggle in when devouring a story? How would you describe your reading habits to your kids or grandkids? Give all the details with this kit perfect for any and all book lovers!
Collection Bundle includes:
Full Kit (18 papers, 70 elements)
16 basic papers (1 plain and 1 polka dot in all collection colors)
8 journal cards
15 flairs
18 ombre/gradient inspired papers
40 journal word bit strips
*Note – Portions of the You’ve Got The Book Collection Bundle previously included in a Grab Bag. Please check stash before purchasing*

Instant Replay Vol. 4
from Blue Heart Scraps
Includes 6 templates previously template freebies handed out for various challenges and rewards. Included in PSD, TIF, individual PNG and PAGE file formats. Original colors and file names kept to help limit duplicate files (see store listing for template file names).

Over The Line Template Pack
from Blue Heart Scraps
Template Pack includes fourthree 12×12 templates provided in layered PSD & TIFF, PAGE, and individual PNG file formats

Dreamland $5 Grab Bag
from Blue Heart Scraps
Is there a bedtime ritual you enjoy with your littles? Do you drift right off to sleep when your head hits the pillow? Or do you fight with sleep, willing it to come as it keeps eluding you, night after night? Hopefully either way you enjoy sweet dreams once you are snoozing. Since we sleep nearly 1/3rd of our lives shouldn’t we document that too? Here’s the perfect kit for it!
$5 Grab Bag Includes:
Full Kit (24 papers, 50 elements)
12 flairs
30 ombre/gradient inspired papers
3 grunge smatters/3 bead scatters
25 word bit pieces

Or, create your own special blend of fantastic savings with the
iNSD 5 for $5 Build Your Own Grab Bag
from Blue Heart Scraps
Choose any 5 single products from Blue Heart Scraps
(Bundles, Collabs and Grab Bags NOT included)
List your requested bundles in the Customer Notes Section when submitting your order.
Download links will be sent to the email address listed at
check out within 48 hours. Questions? Email me at joylynn@blueheartscraps.com

Not enough gorgeousness for you? No worries! Jennifer and I teamed up to bring you two amazing new Studio Jx2 $5 Grab Bags to celebrate iNSD, too!

Be Balanced $5 Grab Bag
from Studio Jx2
Is life a balancing act in your day to day? As we have more conveniences in our lives it seems like we still have so much to do, and there is always MORE to try to fit in. Running the errands or the kids around, cooking, cleaning, making lists and feeling they get longer rather than shorter. It is important to remember to keep our lives in balance so that WE are healthy and happy. Finding time for ourselves isn’t easy, but if you have a moment to do that it’s fantastic for your peace of mind. No matter where you are, in chaos or zen, you’ll find everything you need to create a perfect layout!
$5 Grab Bag includes:
Full Kit (26 papers, 71 elements, full alpha)
18 embossed papers
12 flairs
4 scatters/4 smatters
43 word bits
*Limited Time Offer — Grab It Now!*

Letting Go $5 Grab Bag
from Studio Jx2
Too often loss takes us unprepared. Loved ones, a job, our own infirmities, even just breaking a favorite dish can feel heartbreaking. It’s hard to let go. Sometimes it helps to be able to document the memories of what we’ve lost, to put words to the pain.
Letting Go $5 Grab Bag includes:
Full Kit (28 papers, 70 elements, full alpha)
6 paint grunges
12 flairs
21 ombre papers
18 embossed papers *Limited Time Offer — Grab It Now!*

So. Many. Gorgeous. Creative. Team. Layouts. Seriously! My fabulous ladies kicked it out of the park this week! I’m so very, very blessed! <3

Last but not least, a gorgeous stacked paper freebie created using the You’ve Got The Book Collection
Download Here

AND! If you’ve made it this far, you deserve a treat, lol! Load your GingerScraps cart with $20 or more in Blue Heart Scraps products (warning — Studio Jx2 product don’t qualify), and save an additional $5 off already super low iNSD Sale Prices!
Simply use Coupon Code:
Coupon expires May 9th
Thanks for the great freebie!
Великолепный набор! Прекрасные макеты! Большое спасибо за QP !