Happy Go Lucky + Freebies!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day weekend! (Yeah, I missed the actual day. BUT, my boys and I were enjoying the last of their Spring Break week, so it was worth it 😉)
However, I have the PERFECT new collection for this time of year — St Patrick’s Day and the beginning of Spring are colliding in my area of the world. And, if they were to produce a baby together? This new collection would be it!

Happy Go Lucky is the perfect combination of St Patrick’s Day and Spring.
A little dose of luck and charm, a little bundle of springtime flowers, and enough adorable illustrations to capture your carefree memories!
(and those bunnies may just be the CUTEST thing I’ve EVER drawn…so there’s that)

Check out these gorgeous creative team layouts

And, enjoy these adorable Happy Go Lucky Cluster Freebies, the perfect touch of spring luck for your layouts

$2 Tuesday for March 14th

Happy Tuesday! My boys are home this week for Spring Break, which means I get the pleasure of torturing them for several days straight 😉
Chores, yes (including clearing out the garden area to prep for this year’s summer garden — fun times!), but also video games and TV episodes and tons of fun family time!
As quickly growing teens, they’re only home for a little longer…and I am determined to make the most of it! ❤️
Tuesday means I have another set of $2 Tuesday products on sale — the perfect opportunity to snag some great products at fabulous prices!

Let’s see what I have on sale this week:

There is so much to feel lucky about when we look around. When it rains we can look for a rainbow, even if there isn’t a pot of gold at the other end. Enjoy the precious moments of life and consider them your lucky charms! Lucky Me Kit includes 34 papers and 78 elements

Enjoy the wonder of St. Patrick’s Day with the fun new themed template pack.
The St. Patrick’s Day Template Pack includes 4 12x12in templates in PSD, TIF, and individual PNG file formats

A few adorable layouts created by my Creative Team member Jennifer using today’s $2 specials

And, be sure to grab the cluster frame freebie below:


$2 Tuesday for February 28th

Oh, what a crazy few weeks it’s been! It’s hard to believe February is already over — weren’t we just celebrating Christmas?!
It’s Tuesday, though, and that means I have another set of $2 Tuesday products on sale — the perfect opportunity to snag some great products at fabulous prices!

Let’s see what I have on sale this week:

Be Still My Heart is filled with love, romance, and the perfect touch of vintage to really make your layouts shine!
Includes 24 beautifully textured papers (9 plain, 15 patterned), 1 uppercase alpha (includes numbers and some punctuation) and 66 elements

The What’s Happening Templates are filled with lots of journaling space to really tell your story!
Includes 4 12x12in templates in PSD, TIF, and individual PNG file formats

These two products are only $2 each…but that price ends tonight, so don’t miss out!

And, a new layout by me…using both the Be Still My Heart Kit and the What’s Happening Templates

And, grab the cluster freebie below:


Choose Love + Freebie!

These blog posts are difficult to write most days. The idea of bragging about something I’ve created, begging for you to love it as much as I do? It’s hard for me.
One thing is for sure this time, though…the absolute adorableness of this week’s new bundle? How can you NOT fall in love with it?!
Love makes me giddy. Hearts and kisses and flowers and bears — the month of February is one of my favorites because the world is coated in pinks and reds and love just oozes out of my pores.

They define love as an intense feeling of deep affection. Whether that love is for a spouse, family member, friend, or pet, the Choose Love Collection will fill your heart with adoration when you set your eyes on the sweet elements & LOVEly colors included in this collection and will give you all the feels!

Check out these gorgeous creative team layouts

And, enjoy these adorable Choose Love Cluster Freebies, the perfect touch of love for your layouts

$2 Tuesday for January 24th

Another Tuesday, another round of fabulous $2 deals!
It’s wintertime in the US, so I’ve been focusing on winter/snow themed kits the past two weeks.
Only problem is, we don’t get a ton of snow here where I am…but I’m still trying to push myself to scrap more this year by using the $2 products each week to create a new layout. So, this week, I had to go back nearly 8 years to find some snow-themed pictures to spotlight (and oh my momma heart when I see my boys so little!!! 😢)

Let’s see what I have on sale this week:

Add a little life to your winter pages with Feeling Frosty! It’s easy to find winter kits in shades of blue, but what about those colorful winter photos? They deserve to have the excitement too! Feeling Frosty is filled with bright, fun colors that those having ‘snow’ much fun need on their layouts!
Feeling Frosty Kit includes 36 papers (12 plain, 24 patterned) in JPG format and 75 elements in PNG format

And, the Snapshots Template Pack is the perfect companion to scrap all of your snowy pictures. It’s a fantastic, photo-centered template pack perfect for all scrappers!  Includes 4 single page (12x12in) templates and 1 two page template (24x12in) included as layered PSD, TIFF, and individual PNG files.

My layout, with my adorable little boys (oh, how they’ve grown since these pictures were taken!)

These two products are only $2 each…but that price ends tonight, so don’t miss out!

$2 Tuesday for January 10th

Happy New Year…only about a week or so late. 🤷‍♀️ But, it’s ok! One of my biggest goals this year (the term ‘resolutions’ seems too strict, too narrow a path — I like to make goals for the year, and break them down into small sections, so even if I don’t complete the BIG goal, I can celebrate the small victories I do complete. Or, that’s the plan at least, lol) is to give myself more grace and patience. Allow myself to live “in the moment” a bit more, and not be so gosh-darn stressed out!
And so far, so good! The kids were home the first 3 days, my husband the first 8…which meant LOTS of family time spent at home, in our comfort zone, doing what we enjoy most…spending quality time together! LOTS of boardgames and LOTS of laughs. It was perfect!

And, it’s the perfect opportunity to use today’s $2 Tuesday deals to scrap a few end of year/start of year photos of my own!
Let’s see what I have on sale this week:

If the word ‘homebody’ resonates for you, you will ADORE this kit! Filled with all kinds of fantastic sayings that might pertain to your situation -it’s way too ‘peopley’ outside – you’ll find just the expression you are looking for! Even if you aren’t necessarily happy to be holed up within your four walls you might find that curling up with a good book, or taking a nap, or playing games or watching your favorite series is what you occupy your time with. Whatever it is, when you have nowhere to go you might have something to say, or a photo to show…and the Homebody Kit is the perfect way to show it all in style!

Sometimes our journaling tells the story of our layouts; sometimes it’s all about the pictures.
The Overloaded Template Pack, perfect for layouts with lots of photos, includes 4 layered 12×12 inch templates in PSD, TIF, and individual PNG file formats

Check out just a few of our boardgame adventures the past few weeks, using both the Homebody Kit and the Overloaded Templates (slightly altered — I had to get all of the faces into the middle picture on the right 😁):

I turned my layout into a quick page freebie, for those interested in downloading


$1 Flash Sales for Saturday, 1-Click Deals and ALFLT October Blog Train!

It’s a busy, busy weekend in the digital scrapbooking world, and I don’t want you to miss out on any of the fabulous deals you can snag in my store!

First, I have another set of $1 Flash Sales at The Studio. Each kit below is on sale for just $1 each, TODAY ONLY!

Be Mindful

Be Present

Be Strong

Plus, I have two fabulous 1-Click Deals you don’t want to miss. Whether you’re looking for templates or Autumn/Halloween kits, I’ve got you covered!
The Autumn and Halloween Kit Deal offers you two beautiful autumn themed kits and two spooky-inspired Halloween kits for $4!

Autumn & Halloween Kits 1-Click Deal

The Instant Replay Template Deal is the ultimate template collection — 5 packs, a total of of 28 templates!, for just $5

Instant Replay 1-Click Deal

I’m excited to be participating in the A Love for Layout Templates FB and Blog Train again this month, it’s been a while.
Below you’ll find my contribution to the October 2022 train, included in PSD, TIF, and PNG files, to make scrapping just a little easier on you!
If you’ve been following along the train, you should have gotten here from Chere Kaye Designs. Because I’m the last stop on the train (save the best for last, right?!), be sure to pop into the A Love for layout Templates Facebook group to ensure you’ve grabbed every freebie for this month!


And don’t forget my two $6 Grab Bag deals — that price won’t last long!

Flawed and Fabulous $6 Grab Bag

Adulting is Hard Collab $6 Grab Bag with Chere Kaye Designs

$1 Flash Sales for Friday, New Releases + Freebies!

DSD Celebrations have started, which means the perfect opportunity to snag some amazing new goodies, enjoy some amazing deals, and properly celebrate this part of life that we love so much: scrapping and honoring our memories!
This weekend, I have 3 new releases in my stores: a fabulous collab grab bag with Chere of Chere Kaye Designs, a great new template pack, and a grab bag of my own that I poured my heart and spirit into.
Plus, fantastic store-wide sales and $1 Flash Deals at TheStudio all weekend long means it’s the perfect time to warm up that paypal account and get to shopping! 🙂

First up, 3 fabulous kits on sale for just $1 each — but that price is good TODAY ONLY!


How The Story Goes

and Scrap With Me

And then, on to this week’s fabulous NEW releases! 🙂

Being a grown-up has its perks, but man, does it also have its quirks! Paying bills, keeping up with the laundry and dishes, and the dreaded vacuuming have never been quite as fun as they are in Adulting is Hard. Full of beautiful hand drawn embellishments and scrumptious patterns in a color palette that will have you drooling for days, you’ll find the perfect words and elements that will capture your day-to-day adulting in a fun way, making your everyday memories worth remembering.

The Adulting is Hard $6 Collab Grab Bag from Blue Heart Scraps and Chere Kaye Designs includes: Full Kit (12 plain/20 patterned papers and 90 elements), 26 Flairs, 40 Ombre Papers, 10 Paint Splatters, 6 Titles, 10 Quotes (in black and colored versions), and 40 Word Bit pieces

I also have a fabulous new template pack, focusing on that one big and beautiful picture that tells the entire story

And, then my grab bag. The one I poured every ounce of my heart and soul into. Times have been tough lately, for many reasons. But, I’m working hard (according to my therapist, I’m one of her hardest workers right now) on centering my mind and spirit. And one of the ways I’m doing that is constantly reminding myself that flaws are ok and don’t steal my fabulousness from me.

Sometimes life reminds us in really BIG ways that we are not perfect. Thankfully, there are also reminders that while we may be flawed, we can still be incredibly fabulous. We need to be kind to ourselves, dust ourselves off and show the world we are strong despite our imperfections.
The beautiful color palette and stunning embellishments make documenting your Flawed and Fabulous life a joy in this new collection. You’ll find dozens of pieces that you can use over and over again that coordinate perfectly, and the word art alone will have you coming back for more.
The Flawed and Fabulous $6 Grab Bag includes: Full Kit (10 plain/20 patterned papers in JPG format, 78 elements in PNG format), 36 JPG Bonus Papers (4 patterns in 9 collection colors each), 10 Journal Cards in PNG format, 20 Flairs in PNG format, 6 Paint Grunges in PNG format, 36 Ombre Papers in JPG format, and 40 Word Bits in PNG format

And, a pack of cluster freebies, created using the Adulting Is Hard Grab Bag

I Grew That + Freebie!

Those who know me well know that spring/summertime means garden time.
Tomatoes and peppers, squash and eggplant, carrots and potatoes and…well…you get the point.
We go all out (way too far out, sometimes…should probably pull it back in some, lol).
And this week’s new release is a perfect representation of all that hard work. The ability to create
a gorgeous layout and say “hey…I GREW THAT!”

Farm fresh never looked so good in this new collection. With hand drawn illustrations and beautiful patterns in bold, vibrant colors, the garden will leap right off your page and highlight your photos in a new and fun way.

I Grew That Bundle includes: Full Kit (30 papers, 75 elements), 20 flairs, 6 grunge edges, 38 ombre papers, 6 titles, and 40 word bits

Check out these gorgeous creative team layouts…looks like my gals have some green thumbs, too!

and, a gorgeous set of clusters created with the I Grew That Collection


$2 Tuesday for August 30th

Can you believe August is nearly over?! Hopefully a break from the high temps and stifling humidity will follow September through the door.
One thing is for certain — today brings you another fabulous opportunity to pick up some great products for cheap with my $2 Tuesday sales!
Let’s see what I have on special today:

My Pile It On Template Pack is perfect for layouts that need to feature tons of journaling. Pack includes 4 layered 12×12 templates, provided in PSD, TIF and individual PNG file formats

Don’t we all have those moments that we just need to be a little silly, a bit goofy, to get through our day? And if we haven’t in a bit, we could really use the reminder to find the magic that lives within us. A little crazy never hurts when we are dealing with all the adulting this life brings us – and the Be Magical Kit is perfect for celebrating all of that (and to hand out a little snark when it’s warranted)! Find your own inner unicorn and celebrate!

The Be Magical Kit includes 16 patterned papers in JPG format and 74 elements in PNG format

A few gorgeous layouts with today’s deals:

Plus, enjoy this adorable pack of cluster freebies, created with the Be Magical Kit