Sneak Peek & TWO chances to win!

** winners have been emailed! *** Hello scrappers. Can you believe that we are nearing the end of 2015? It is only days away! With that, we are going to show you the sneak peek for the 1st of Blue

Just Breath $4 Grab Bag

Just Breath $4 Grab Bag

TGIF!! Not to freak anyone out…but…one week until Christmas!!! Are you all ready or are you already Christmas’d out? I am so ready & so excited! That being said, this week’s new release will give you a break from all

Catching Up on New Releases!

Man, it’s been a crazy few weeks around here!  With baseball games and PTA elections and sick kids and internet issues, it’s been all I can do to keep my head above water.  If I could only find a way