I look forward to Facebook’s Memories section every day, as it helps me look back over the past few years and see how much has changed — friends and family I’ve had to say goodbye to, seeing adorable pictures and videos of my boys as they’ve grown. It’s true what they say: time changes everything!
This week’s new release, the Then and Now $5 Grab Bag is a perfect chance to celebrate the changes life brings us.

Then And Now $5 Grab Bag
What a difference a decade, a week, even just a day can make. The beginning of a new decade is a natural time for reflection, although certainly not the only time. This kit is reminiscent of any sort of change, differences between then and now, turning things around, or fresh starts. The typewriter and inkwell can denote time long past, or just hint at ‘ago’ – whenever that was. Are you ready? Let’s do this, and document it!!
$5 Grab Bag Includes:
Full Kit (30 papers, 69 elements)
26 Flairs
25 Journal Bits
30 Ombre Inspired Papers
5 Grunge Paint Smatters

Check out these AMAZING creative team layouts!

I’ve also broken down last week’s grab bag and added the Be Positive Bundle and individual products into my store.

The February Book Choice for the GingerScraps Hey Good Bookin’ Book Club has been chosen — hope to see lots of you reading and discussing the book with us next month! Get all the details in the GingerScraps Book Club Forum!

Plus, I have an adorable set of cluster freebies to coordinate with the Then And Now $5 Grab Bag, just ready for you to download: