It’s a new year, and with that I always get the bug to get organized! I always have big goals to get lots of scrapping done every new year and this year is no different. I have years (and years) of pictures yet to scrap. At times it feels a bit overwhelming, and I have to remind myself that I can’t expect to get it done all at once and I just need to take baby steps.

Baby step #1 is getting organized!  Half way through 2012 I decided I needed to come up with a plan to help me spend more time focused on scrapping and less time in my file folders trying to search for the perfect pictures to go with the latest kit. Here is what I did:

#1 – I found myself a 3-ring binder. I tried it before with a spiral bound notebook and it disappeared somewhere in my house never to be seen again. With my new 3-ring binder I slid a sheet of paper in the clear cover that reads “Mom’s Scrapbook Folder Please Don’t Touch”, just in case someone was tempted to slide it into their school backpack. So far so good, the notebook has stayed safe and my kids love to tease me about it by touching their finger to the cover.

#2 – I grabbed some line paper and at the top wrote the year I wanted to organize. (I organize the photos on my computer by the year they were taken)

#3 – I divided the lined paper into four different sections, “Folder” (for all the folders I have within my “year” folder), “Subject”, “# of Photos” and finally “Files”.

#4 – I got busy and went through my folders and wrote down the pictures I wanted to scrap. I didn’t write every picture that was in my folder, just those that were scrap worthy.DSC_1171

So how has this info helped me scrap more efficiently? Now when a new kit from Blue Heart Scraps comes out I can quickly go down my “subject” column and find pictures to go with it. Also when a new template comes out I can go down my “# of photos” column and find the right number of photos that goes with that specific template. Voila, I just saved myself an hour of searching!

Today’s freebie can help you take that first baby step. Here is a replica of my photo organizing system using the Oh Scrap! kit collab. Happy Scrapping!


Tuesday Treats Freebie!

One thought on “Tuesday Treats Freebie!

  • February 21, 2013 at 10:00 am

    I would love to try this method. Thank you for the gift!


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